The Union’s day to day functions are executed through its Secretariat Office located at Freedom Hall, Newgate Street, St. John’s Antigua.
The Secretariat’s management team comprises of the General Secreaty Bro. David Massiah, and Deputy General Secretary Bro. Chester Hughes.
The Secretariat employs industrial relations officers who are tasked with the responsibility of negotiating collective bargaining agreements and representing members at the shop level, Labour Department, Industrial Court and Privy Council. In addition to the management team, the Union has on staff four additional officers: Bro. Kem Riley, Bro. Fernando Samuel, Sis. Hazel Luke, Bro. Hugh Joseph and Bro. Harry Josiah.
The Secretariat’s administrative functions are handled by Sis. Waldine Baltimore (Accountant), Sis. Stacy Ladoo (Membership Coordinator), Sis. Samantha Francis (Clerk), Sis. Kisha Gomes (Clerk), Sis Onika Williams (Clerk), Sis. Malissa Joseph (Receptionist),Bro. Edlorn Williams (Messenger)and Bro. Justin O'marde.