More than 30 employees at the Antigua Plumbing and Hardware Centre are benefitting from the provisions of a newly negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Company and the Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union (ABWU).
The workers are set to receive a nine percent wage increase over the three-year lifespan of the contract. Another highlight in the Agreement is the establishment of a thrift fund to assist workers in their retirement planning.

The staff recently secured the ABWU as their sole bargaining agent and have expressed delight at the Union’s proficient and diligent approach to the negotiations.
ABWU President and Senior Industrial Relations Officer, Kem Riley, explained that it was particularly important to secure these benefits for the workers in the shortest possible timeframe.
“This is our first Collective Agreement on behalf of the workers at Antigua Plumbing, so we considered it an urgent task to bring their benefits in line with other unionized workplaces in this sector. We are also thankful that we avoided the unnecessary delays that plague these types of negotiations,” Riley elaborated.
Meanwhile, workers at Antigua Distillery and Premiere Beverages will also enjoy a nine percent wage increase over the next three years, following successful negotiations with both companies. The new Collective Agreements also establish medical coverage for staff members along with other fringe benefits. More than 80 employees will benefit from the provisions of the contracts.
Also benefiting from increases are line staff at Sheer Rocks who are set to receive a 12% wage increase over a three-year period. The staff will also enjoy an increase in the Call Out/Call Back Allowance. Approximately 30 staff members are covered by the Agreement which runs from 9 December 2022 – 8 December 2025.