Press Release

Trade Union Congress Hosts Successful Training Workshop

Published On: Jan 05, 2024

Money Management, Work Ethics and Civil Service Regulations were among several topics explored at a recent training workshop organized by the Antigua and Barbuda Trade Union Congress (TUC). The two-day workshop attracted 28 participants and was held under the theme: Empowering Our People for Greater Productivity in the Workplace.

In opening the session, TUC President Kem Riley, said the newly installed General Council was keen to prioritize training for its membership. “Training plays a vital role in our development. With training, members gain knowledge and are able to enhance their skill sets so that they can perform at their very best,” Riley told the gathering.

TUC General Secretary, Garolyn Hector, used the occasion to highlight some of the challenges the institution continues to face. These include the dissolution of some of its affiliate unions, accusations of political biases and poor support from its membership.

“TUC is as strong as its members and as strong as your participation. TUC can only fulfill its mandate with your support. Every affiliated Union has over 500 members [but] at any given TUC function the numbers are small,” Hector lamented.
However, despite these challenges, the success of this latest workshop may mark a positive turnaround in support for the institution as implied by one participant.

“I appreciated the information on the Civil Service Act and the Labour Code. I think most of the members got a better understanding of what their rights and privileges are. And I think that the TUC should endeavor in the future to have similar workshops like these.”

Photo: Marcella Andrea

The workshop facilitators were Pascal Kentish, Deputy Labour Commissioner; Marcella Andre, Principal Consultant NIA Comms and Kem Warner, Managing Director at KAW Management Services.

The TUC is a local umbrella organization for unions and associations and is charged with the responsibility of uniting and protecting the interests of trade unions and other affiliated workers' organisations. The body was established in 2003 and currently comprises the following unions: Antigua Barbuda Public Servants Association, the Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union, the Antigua Barbuda Union of Teachers, the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association, the Guild of Antigua and Barbuda Air Traffic Controllers (GABATCO) and Antigua Barbuda Meteorological Association.


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